Give a skilled artisan a pile of rings and they can weave you a beautiful piece of jewelry. Many chain maille weaves exist, from the simple to the highly complex. Only the basic weaves resemble the armor worn the by the combatants of long ago. Many of the weaves that form necklaces and bracelets are quite intricate, but they all were started from a pile of metal rings.
It's an ancient art, one that survives today. In the middle ages, a highly skilled artisan's name could be known from country to country, from language to language. Some artisans were so talented that only kings and men of great wealth could afford the hefty price, but their armor was greatly treasured.
Although there's little need for chain maille armor today (unless you swim with sharks), the art lives on. Artisans, mostly unknown, toil away in their spare time. They sit in loneliness, tools in their hands, weaving away. Many hours can be spent on just one necklace. Their craft is usually available at a reasonable price, they will weave nearly whatever you can conceive (and afford), from a simple bracelet to a complete skirt trimmed in gold chain.
But you need not seek out an artisan. Even Macy's can be found selling chain maille jewelry and many chains and articles of maille clothing can be found online. Although it does well with military-styled trends, you can wear maille necklaces and bracelets with nearly any outfit.
Long live chain maille.
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