like the thrill of tearing down a hill at high speeds, cutting your
way through the wind and carving your track in the snow.
But there is another aspect to skiing, something that has nothing to
do with chair-lifts or speeding down hills. It is clothing.
Obviously, if you don't dress right you'll freeze, but there is also a
fashion thing going on. You'll notice that there's a huge diversity of
winter gear that people wear. I've seen everything from micro-textured
jackets to an attention-grabbing white coat and pants with brightly
colored diagonal stripes running down. There are tons of different
styles and designs and colors to be found on a ski run, including some
breathtaking outfits.
Everytime I see this huge diversity of winter wear, my mind begins to
wonder over all the design possibilities.
Of course, designing a ski jacket is quite different from designing a
dress or a suit. You have to think about keeping the wearer warm while
also bringing aesthetics into the scene. But the result can be the
stylish skier that has everyone's attention.
Head to a resort sometime and observe. You may be inspired.